Monday, February 9, 2015

DIY Green Cleaning- Make Your Own Cleaners, Save Money, and Be Healthier

OK, so maybe you don’t know this, but I am a nurse. I have been an RN for over 10 years. My dream is to someday retire from nursing and be full-time at our homestead and somehow making enough money from our handmade crafts.  As a nurse, I come into contact with allot of sick people and try really hard not to be one of those people. I eat fairly well, stay somewhat active, and try to get preventive care when needed.
But, back to the “seeing allot of sick people.” I see A LOT of sick people. It hurts my heart. I see a lot of cancer, and the incidence has somewhat skyrocketed in the last 5 years.  Is it our food? Probably with all the chemicals and processed junk that Americans eat. Not just that though, the pesticides the farmers use, the chemicals we use to clean. The poison is everywhere! I have to eliminate the poison that is in and around my house whenever I can. Does it mean that I’m perfect? No. I still have some commercial items in the house. But I am weeding them out slowly but surely. This means that I will occasionally lose crops to disease or pests. This means that I have to work harder to keep bugs out of my house. It means I have to be creative with cleaning, gardening, skin care, soaps, and even shampoos. My husband thinks it’s almost normal to pour what he thinks will be normal shampoo into his hand but have it be some sort of runny concoction that I made up this week. Sometimes it works great. Sometimes it makes me want normal shampoo again.
One thing I love is not using commercial cleaners. We use Murphy’s Oil Soap and some other such things that are store bought. But in general we try to use my homemade concoctions for cleaning. One reason is reducing chemicals. That is very important. Another reason we use the homemade chemicals is because our septic tank is quite old and we dont want to kill what little good bacteria might be left. We also dont want these chemicals leaching into our ground or water source. As a nurse, I know that there are many changes taking place because hospitals waste allot of medications into the water system and now they are finding trace amounts of all those medicines in our drinking water. Food (or water?) for thought.
So I found this book several years ago, and I think you should invest in purchasing it. It’s called “The Naturally Clean Home” by Karyn Siegel-Maier. It has over 150 recipes for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, and anywhere in between. They are solid recipes, and I have made over 20 of them and use them every day. There is one for a super glass cleaner with vinegar, alcohol, and essential oils. I love this because it can be used everywhere. It dries nicely on glass too.
For $8, this book is very worth it. It’s compact in size and I keep it in the kitchen near all the cleaners. My vital cleaners are vinegar, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils. I will be writing all about essential oils and herbs coming up.

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