Monday, April 20, 2015

Beginning the Journey

So... WE GOT APPROVED! If we can do this, we will be the first people in Maine to build an Earthship style home. That's a big deal. We are very excited. I am also pretty scared. I try to keep the grin going but frankly, I am freaking out. There are so many wonderful positive people out there that are giving us the high-fives. I also see the people who think we have absolutely lost our minds. I even had one person on my Facebook status comment "oh my."

Yes, I know what that means. I am not sure if that makes me more determined or if it makes me want to run screaming in the other direction. What if we fail? What if we get in over our heads?

Somehow, I think its too late to worry about it so I might as well put my big girl panties on and get on with the show. We picked up our first hundred tires yesterday. Is that why my back hurts this bad today?? Probably.

The kids have been working pretty hard. They are almost finished with this first year of homeschooling and I am getting ready to put together their portfolios. Once they are finished we will be set into high gear. We will be building a new area for the pigs, including a new home for them. We kept them last year on our previous property, but since we will be building all summer and fall, I expect to be on the land from sun-up to sundown.

We are hoping to get 3 to 4 rooms enclosed this year. Those are very high hopes for a small family of 5; 3 of those being kids. Sure, we have some friends and probably could grab a few college kids to volunteer to get a little experience. But I can't depend on them because they have lives too.
Have you ever built a home without the help of contractors and builders? If so, go on over to our Facebook page and give us a shout. I know that people HAVE built homes on their own. It used to be the only way it was done. Why am I so intimidated then?

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