Monday, July 18, 2016

A Sluggish Summer So Far

we started with a little bit of a bang. We built a second story on that first room we built, although the weight required us to add a brace in the kitchen about where the counter would be coming out from the side of wall. We can make it look like it was supposed to be there and just plant a grapevine at the base of it.
However, June 4th, I fell off our horse we were about to buy. Poor hing got spooked or bit by a bee; not really sure what the reasoning was. But I received a serious concussion that they thought would resolve after 2 weeks. It's been 6 weeks now and I am still forgetful, have crying breakdowns, and have slow speech that makes me sound like I had a stroke!
We have now completed this though. It has a full roof and OSB all around it. But it came to a screaming haunt when I fell and at first I wasn't sure I broke my back because I couldn't get up. Now my body is much stronger and my mind is getting much better but not all the way yet. I probably have a couple more weeks of battling short term disability and payroll to make sure we can pay our bills. Right now we are quite broke.
I am asking anyone of you that may have been thinking of having an Usborne party on Facebook,
please have it now because without a little income we are in trouble. My husband is looking for work but so far construction is the only thing he has found and that wouldn't start for a few weeks. We have some new book titles and a new catalog out so come on! Let's have some fun on Facebook. I have a Facebook page for my Usborne business - it's called Pams Hooked on Usborne Books. At least go one over there and give me a like. There are millions of kids in the country, and many of these books are higher quality than books a million. Check out for all the new and old titles. If you send me an email from Facebook, I'll give you 10% off your purchase when you mention this blog post.
Tomorrow we hope to drill the post holes for the fence posts. Dan is renting an auger and I am praying that he can get through our rocky soil without too many problems. It's wicked hard to dig the holes manually! This will be for the horse I fell off. We're hoping to bond with her so that she is not
so nervous when we ride her.

We have the garden going pretty well, but almost everyday I am out there weeding. I have enlisted the help of our chickens so they can at least eat the stuff in the rows with a chicken tractor we built. It works pretty well, but I am constantly out there! Today is Stormey, however, so we are juicing some lemons and limes and canning them. 

Talk soon!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I just became an Usborne books consultant and wanted to let you all know! I'm super excited and if anyone would like to host a home party in Aroostook county or a Facebook party anywhere in the US please let me know! Comment below!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My New Years Resolution

This is not one of my typical postings. I like to show updates on our tire home building, show projects that we are working on and discuss self sufficient living in general. But as the new year begins, I have lost someone near and dear to me that I considered a brother. I loved him so much, but haven't seen nor spoken to him in awhile. Moving away from family to Northern Maine has had some challenges. Losing touch with some of those that I loved has been one challenge.

I am learning as I go. I am still a baby, growing up and learning how to do many new things. Physically and mentally, growing up has been somewhat exhausting. I have recently come to know Christ and have been engrossed in learning some of the basic teachings from Him. I have always been a kind and caring soul; but not always there for others as I should. I am learning how to be present in the moment. As a mom of 4, with a small farm and full time job as a nurse, I am pulled in many different directions. I don't always fully listen to what is being said because I may have 2 conversations going at once. This is something I am working on now. My New Years resolution: to be present.

Lord, help me to learn how to do this. My beautiful children need their mother to be there. They need to know how much I really do care. My husband of 13 years has learned how to be present very well yet I haven't been able to figure out how he does it. When I lost my friend last week, I have been frantically wanting to search for a picture of him and I together yet haven't made the time. Hubby went through every photo album we own and found pictures of us together. Albeit just 6, but he made that time on top of taking care of the farm, the children, and me. 

He takes care of me like a real man should. Why? I'm not quite sure how I deserve the love that he gives but I am learning to be grateful for every single moment I am blessed to have with him. He says I do enough because I financially support our family, but somehow I can't imagine that I give to him a fraction of what he gives me. Every day my needs are placed above his own. I struggle with some health issues right now but feel guilty that I cannot do more. To him? It doesn't seem to bother him that he pulls all the weight (literally) around the house. I can only lift only so much because of my back, and he has acclimated his life to mine. My goal is to be present to him and all his needs physically and emotionally. I reflect on my friends life and that is what he has taught me. Thank you, Kenny. Thank you for teaching me this. You were always present in the moment. 

Think about this as you go through your day. Are you half listening to your mom when she calls or your friend when she tells you for the tenth time about how the coffee shop got her latte wrong? Be there, in that moment, regardless of how you feel about that situation. Love your family and friends to the fullest of your capacity. Thank God for every moment with them that you are given. I know I will be reunited with them in Heaven, but that time in between may be long and difficult. Give, give, give. Give more than you think you can handle. Love more than you think you are capable of loving. Make this year a year to remember. Get off the internet and be present. 

Virtually amish homestead